film trailer
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myriapod productions
The Aatsinki Season
At the End of Day: The Debate
Life as a Reindeer Herder
How should this land be used?
The Herder's Position
What does it mean to be an environmentalist?
The Coming of Winter
What is the best way to mitigate the effects of climate change?
Feeding the Wolves
What role should governments play in the production and distribution of food?
Fighting for Balance
Is it effective to prioritize predators over other species?
The Coming of Spring
Who should decide how to effectively manage predator populations?
The Coming of Summer
How can traditional cultures maintain their identity?
The Coming of Fall
Who should be allowed to dictate health standards for food production?
Double Standards
How do you choose what you eat?
At the End of Day
Is this way of life sustainable?
the aatsinki perspective