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The Aatsinki Season
Map of Lapland

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No matter where you live, the first step you can take to improve the global food system is to learn about your country's agricultural policies.

One such piece of important legislation is the United States farm bill, which is reauthorized by Congress every five years. Hugely influential, it affects what Americans grow, trade, and eat - and, unfortunately, it values monocultures and agribusiness over small farms and sustainable production.

Congress was expected to pass a new farm bill in 2012, but that didn't happen. Instead, parts (but not all) of the most recent legislation were extended until October 2013. Although this means that the House and Senate will have to start from scratch to pass the next five-year bill, it's also an opportunity for significant policy change.

If you would like Congress to restructure the farm bill - by increasing support for family farms, lowering the cost to taxpayers, and eliminating direct subsidy payments (that is, payments provided regardless of need) - learn about the Environmental Working Group's suggestions for reform and ask your elected officials to support changes that will build a healthy food system for both farmers and consumers.

The Aatsinki Season